Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Liquidations and Reorganizations
Bialson, Bergen & Schwab attorneys represent and counsel our client companies in bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation and business reorganization matters in North America and 42 countries in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and the Middle East.
Domestically and throughout the world, Bialson, Bergen & Schwab attorneys represent our client’s interests with respect to a debtor company’s financial restructuring and reorganization. We provide immediate, sound and practical legal advice required at the onset of a proceeding in order to maximize recovery. Thereafter, we negotiate and document out-of-court workouts, represent our client’s interests on creditors’ committees, prosecute bankruptcy litigation and generally provide overall guidance throughout the bankruptcy, liquidation or reorganization process.
Bialson, Bergen & Schwab is the “go-to” bankruptcy/insolvency outsource for global solutions to routine or complex problems in this area of law and business. Our extensive international experience enables us to provide consistent answers to cross-border bankruptcy concerns, and the immediate answers necessary to strategically protect clients’ interests and claims in time-critical situations.
With a 35-year focus on technology clients, Bialson, Bergen & Schwab attorneys have special expertise in protecting and enforcing rights and claims under production or supply chain contracts and equipment leases, licensing rights in software and other intellectual property, and claims involving court-approved sales in bankruptcy cases.
We prosecute our clients’ contract, intellectual property, and other claims from the filing of an initial proof of claim, through the adjudication of the claim, and, ultimate distribution of the appropriate recovery. The defense of “preference” and other avoidance actions stemming from bankruptcy and insolvency matters is an area of particular expertise—and our defense record is enviable.
Bialson, Bergen & Schwab attorneys have been involved in a majority of the larger national and international bankruptcy cases which have occurred during the past twenty-five years. Adelphia Communications, American Airlines, Chrysler, CHS, Circuit City, Enron, Fisker Automotive, General Motors, Global Crossings, Lehman, Mervyns’, Nortel, SGI, Virgin SA, Washington Mutual, WorldCom and the various Tribune newspaper cases represent only a portion of the recent bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings in which we have been active participants.